I’m Elyse Leren Rousseau. Technically my middle name is Lauren but no one pronounces it right so I changed it. People still don’t say it right. I have two bunny daughters and am obsessed with them. I haven’t had red meat for over two weeks and I’m hoping to hold strong for...ever. I have an incredibly supportive, loving fiancé and am currently living my dream life. We moved out of the city and into a suburb which makes me extremely happy. I’m looking forward to this new year but am not placing any pressure on what happens. I love my friends and my family more than a lot and that group grows every time I teach a class. I work for 4 amazing yoga studios and for the Forrest yoga team and couldn’t be happier with my career at the moment. I vow to view change and challenge with less fear in 2019 and trust the process more fully. This is me for now. Welcome 2019. 💥

Recipe of the Day : Peanut Noodles (6 servings)
20 minutes prep and cook time
1 lb rice noodles
1 bunch green onions sliced
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup sesame oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp ginger minced
1 tbsp chili garlic sauce
Bring water to boil and cook noodles for recommended time. Strain and set aside. Meanwhile, cover bottom of separate pan with oil and cook green onions to a simmer. Add ginger and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add peanut butter, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar and chili garlic sauce and cook for additional 5 minutes on simmer. Mix sauce evenly throughout pasta and serve hot!